A Secret Garden to Love....

A simple house on a busy street, a walk along the drive and suddenly….an unexpected surprise! It’s hard to believe the garden that unfolds in this unlikely space.
Fifteen years in the making, the gardener and mom lovingly added little “rooms” as a place for her large family to have quiet spots to read or relax.
Vintage pieces placed throughout bring a warm and cozy feeling….
Bright spots filled with flowers are followed by neatly clipped lavender plants…
Little lights on the garage wall…
And strings of lights for the outdoor room….All combine to bring gracious charm to this splendid space!
The night I visited a chef was doing a cooking demonstration for at least 20-30 people who fit comfortably at tables set under more beautiful lights…not the first time this generous gardener has allowed others to enjoy her beautiful space. Enjoy! I found lots to copy in my own garden!